Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality in Print Lets Users Help Tell the Tale

Sylvamo, a global paper company, was looking for a concept for the third installment of its widely popular children’s book series featuring Apollo the Spacedog. The self-titled debut and sequel, Apollo and the Mill Moose, were printed on Sylvamo’s Accent® Opaque line of paper and were designed to integrate augmented reality to highlight how AR in print can help enhance powerful storytelling that moves and inspires. With a captive audience eagerly awaiting the third book, Sylvamo wanted to double down on the power of AR in print by giving readers the opportunity to  choose Apollo’s next adventure.

Apollo Treehouse Cover

A multichannel campaign solidifies the plot

To give Apollo’s fans a voice in what comes next for him and his astronomy-loving partner, Andi, we created a highly targeted email campaign and an interactive print postcard with an AR component that, when launched, gave readers the opportunity to choose between two different plot lines for the third book: A. Apollo and Andi explore a haunted house or B. Apollo and Andi build a treehouse. An engaging landing page encouraged contacts to request the direct mailer with the AR experience to cast their vote.  

To help drive response rates, users who requested the print postcard in order to access the AR experience also received an Accent Opaque branded desktop lantern — a digital version of this lantern featured heavily in the AR component to help users navigate the experience and cast their vote for which of the two plot lines they wanted to see in the third book. 

When the votes were tallied, almost 60% of readers voted in favor of the treehouse adventure, and thus Apollo and the Treehouse was born.

Apollo Treehouse AR with Cell phone

Storytelling with Something Meaningful to Say

Woven into the narrative of Apollo and the Treehouse are themes of great importance to paper manufacturers, commercial printers, and even designers — sustainable foresting and paper harvesting, responsible paper manufacturing, and eco-friendly printing practices, all of which are philosophical pillars upon which Sylvamo has built a reputation as a leading global paper manufacturer. 

Apollo Treehouse inside spread

Using a combination of Accent Opaque 80 lb Text and 100 lb Cover paper stocks, Apollo and the Treehouse was printed on a Canon Solutions America digital press and showcased the vibrant, dynamic artwork of designer Kyle Beckett. AR experiences incorporated into the book itself, when opened, put readers in the point-of-view of specific characters to create a more immersive reading experience and enhance pivotal plot points in the story.  

The end result? A powerful print piece that lets users play a part in the creative process and experience the next chapter in a beloved series of books in an imaginative way.     

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